Digital vs Traditional Marketing!
Digital vs Traditional Marketing!
Jamie Breeze Digital vs Traditional

I am constantly keeping up to date with marketing trends, stats, and new products on the market. My most recent study was comparing Traditional and Digital Marketing and the Trends throughout all ages so I am better informed to help our clients.

Here are some main takeaway points to summarise my findings:-

  • The time spent watching Television Ads for people under 49 has dropped 39% over 4 years (between 2012 – 1016)
  • The Share of spending from people watching TV Ads is on a steep decline. Whilst Digital Marketing is outgrowing every other medium.
  • The Share of spending from people watching TV Ads is on a steep decline. Whilst Digital Marketing is outgrowing every other medium.
  • Radio makes up of only 8.1% consumer spending from advertising whilst Digital makes up a share of 44.7%
  • You cannot target your audience on TV and very limited on Radio.
  • TV & Radio Ads are fixed price (no matter what you spend) whilst most Digital Campaigns are pay-per-click and you can choose your budget.
  • The Analytical Data and Results you receive from Digital is very in depth giving you a clear indication of how to optimize your campaigns and what sort of return on investment you are getting.

Digital Marketing is the leader from all these mediums and the evidence suggests that Digital is growing quickly whilst other channels are on the decline.

Are your digital marketing efforts in the past or are you moving with the times?

Talk to me for a free assessment of your Marketing Strategy or to Review your current Digital Marketing.

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