Blogging Strategy
Blogging Strategy
Jamie Breeze Blogging

Blogging is an important piece of your digital marketing strategy most people I talk to think blogging sounds insignificant but it can be a game-changer for your business. When done correctly, blogging can help out your SEO, increase customer engagement, and help to answer questions that your customers have. A blog can be New Articles, How to Guilds, Product Reviews or anything that delivers value to your target market.

My tip for writing blogs is to make sure you are crafting relevant content. Your blogs don’t have to be 3,000 words like many “How to Blog” Sites tell you, keep in mind that the longer the blog the better your chances of ranking but the content must be relevant. Why is this? It’s all about how long people spend on your Blog Page. When someone clicks on your 300-word blogs, they’ll be finished reading fairly quickly. This means that their time spent on your site will be fairly short. Users will spend a lot more time reading a longer blog that has engaging copy and cool graphics, even a video. If users spend a lot of time on your site, Google thinks that your content is important helps you move up in search.

Your blog can also help to answer your potential customers’ questions about your company or product. No matter what your product, service, or cause is your website will greatly benefit from blogging.

Download our free Blog Post Worksheet to help plan your Blogs.

or further assistance with planning your blogs or for a full Blog Planning Session httpss://

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